
With today's advances in Refractive Surgery available in the United States, more damaged people are coming forward with complications from this procedure. Most complaints are quoted as incompetence, greed, 'assembly line' style surgical suites, lies to the patient, or the simple lack of caring by the doctor. First and foremost of complaints are the lasers! Just to name a few:

Blades getting stuck, broken, or RE-USED (these are supposed to be SINGLE USE BLADES);
Loss of the LASIK flaps (some have adhered to the microkeratome, some have been found ON THE FLOOR!);
Miscalculations by the doctors or techs;

There's no good reason why Americans should be subjected to surgery with lasers inferior to those currently being used in Europe. Have a lasik evaluation and ask the doctor when he'll have a new laser as good as the iVIS from Italy and a topographer equal to the Precisio. Don't let him tell you that the differences are not substantial, because they ARE. Don't settle for inferior equipment when your eyes are at stake. Your vision is too important.

Anyone considering refractive surgery should wait for that technology to become available in the United States. This is most important for patients who've already had refractive surgery and need irregular astigmatism, decentrations, small optical zones and other messes cleaned up. It appears that two doctors are at the forefront at helping those with bad outcomes who seek surgical remediation:

Dr. Ming Wang in Nashville, who is working on obtaining FDA approval* to import the iVIS laser into this country, and Dr. Aleks Stojanovic in Norway, who is already using the newer, better laser.

For more information, see the iVIS TECHNOLOGIES WEBSITE

If I were considering LASIK now, I'd wait because this technology is far superior to the crappy lasers in the U.S. right now. Not to mention our topographers that cannot see the central 1-2 mm of the cornea because the camera is in the way. Who in their right mind can honestly offer a custom treatment when data for the central cornea is being extrapolated?

* As mentioned throughout this section of my website, the FDA has done very little to help those damaged by Refractive Surgery. Apparently, there are no financial interests to the lackeys in the FDA by helping these casualties.