J Cataract Refract Surg 2002; 28:2170–2172
Richard J. Keuch, MD, Heinrich Bleckmann, MD
Purpose: To compare the different aspects of pupil constriction before and after the implantation of an implantable contact lens (ICL).
Setting: Augenabteilung der Schlosspark-Klinik Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Methods: This study comprised 15 myopic and 9 hyperopic eyes that were evaluated before and after the implantation of an ICL using a compact integrated pupillograph (CIP, AMTech) under standardized conditions. The preoperative and postoperative pupil diameters, rate and latency of the pupil reaction, and amplitude of constriction were compared. Results: The latency and the duration of pupil constriction were significantly prolonged after ICL implantation. The rate of pupil contraction and redilation, the pupil diameter, and the amplitude of pupil constriction were reduced after ICL implantation.
Conclusion: The pupil reaction after implantation of a phakic posterior chamber ICL was slower. The postoperative pupil diameter was smaller, and the amplitude of constriction was reduced. The changes have not proved to be clinically significant to date.